Race Day Information


The Downs Conservators, from whom we have to seek permission (and pay) to use the Downs, have placed certain restrictions on us and we would ask that you comply with the directions of marshals at all times.

Event Location:  The race starts and finishes near to the Grandstand complex on Epsom Downs, Surrey, close to the A217, approximately 6 miles from Junction 8 on the M25 (see map overleaf).  There are several public transport options but please check for possible delays and closures. 

Race HQ: Race HQ is again located in the Oaks Hall, Duchess Stand, Epsom Downs KT18 5LQ. (See map overleaf). Access is directly from the grandstand car park. The facility offers a large area for runners and spectators to gather, a cafe serving hot food and drinks and multiple toilets.   

Car Parking:  A number of high profile running / cycling events in the area has given rise to a degree of local sensitivity in respect of parking. Competitors are therefore asked to park in the main tarmac car park of the Grandstand’s complex. Please follow signage and the direction of marshals on the day. If you elect to use any of the public car parks, please park considerately and take care not to block any vehicles.  Please do not park on the carriageway, in the Tattenham Corner Restaurant car park or in the Rubbing House public house car park. 

Number & Timing Chip Collection: The race is being chip timed using an IPICO Sports TAG. Your race number and timing chip will be available for collection at the Race HQ (Oaks Hall) from 9.30am. Attach the TAG to your shoe laces using the two ties enclosed with it in the envelope. You can see an illustration of how best to do this on the back of the envelope provided. Please return the chip at the end of the race – assistance will be on hand in the finish area to help. TAGs not returned will be charged.  Please state on the reverse of your number, in the space provided, any medical information that may be helpful in an emergency.  Please do not tear or fold the number when putting it on the front of your shirt or vest.   

Entry Transfer:  If for any reason you are unable to run, in the interest of runner safety, please do not pass your entry / number to another runner. Any runner found to have done so will be disqualified and may not be allowed to participate in future events. Official transfers can be arranged on the day at the ‘Race Enquiry Desk.’ There will be a small administration fee.

Changing & Toilets: It is recommended that you arrive ready changed.  The Race HQ has toilet facilities for runners but we no longer have access to showers and dedicated changing facilities. 

Baggage & Keys:  May be left (at your own risk) in the designated area at Race HQ.  

Start & Finish: Is located on the gravel track that passes in front of the main grandstands adjacent to the tunnel. The start and finish is approximately 5 minutes’ walk from the Race HQ. Start will be at 11.30am sharp. Please watch the screens and listen for announcements on the public-address system. 

The Course: The event will utilise a two-lap course with a short link to the start and finish. Approximately 50% will be tarmac roads, the remainder on grass, woodland paths and tracks. Sections may be slippery and in some instances, present trip hazards. There can also be a high wind chill element. You are advised to take care at all times and make your choice of clothing and shoes based on prevailing weather conditions. (Note; The Oaks Hall has been recently carpeted and the Jockey Club have requested that runners remove any form of spikes / aggressive footwear before entering)  The course is mainly left hand turns with only minor junctions to cross. All turns and junctions should be marshalled and backed up by arrowed signs. Runners are reminded to take care with vehicles exiting driveways and minor junctions.  It is a condition of the Race Permit that, in the interests of your safety and other road users, all runners, unless advised otherwise by marshals or police, must run on the left-hand side of the road and must not cross the centre line.  This particularly applies when the course bends to the right, even if it is the shortest racing line please do NOT cross over! Wherever possible use the footpath.  Use common sense and give consideration to other road users.  You may encounter horses.  Please give them plenty of room when passing and slow down if necessary. Always obey Marshals, instruction signs and Police instructions. 

First Aid:  St John Ambulance will be in attendance throughout the race. If you require first aid, please contact the nearest marshal who will liaise directly with them. Similarly, in the event of any medical emergency contact the nearest marshal who will telephone the emergency services (999) 

Drinks Stations:  There will be two drinks stations as well as bottled water at the finish. 

Dogs:  Runners are not allowed to be accompanied by dogs (except service dogs). Dogs greeting you at the end are to be kept on a lead and under control. Dogs (except service dogs) are not allowed in Race HQ. 

Course Closure: The Race will officially end at 2.00pm. Note, we have a duty of care to marshals, many of whom may have been in attendance since early morning and accordingly, services may be withdrawn from that point.

Headphones & Audio Equipment: Runners are asked not to wear headphones or any other equipment that may impede their ability to hear traffic or directions from marshals. The organisers reserve the right to disqualify any runners who, in their opinion, may place themselves or others in danger by not heeding this request. 

Prize Presentation:  The Prize presentation will be made at the Race HQ at approximately 1.15 pm.  Prizes will be given to the first 3 male finishers and the first 3 female finishers. Additional prizes will be awarded to the M40, M50, M60, F40, F50, F60 relative to the number of entries received in each category. Prizes will also be awarded to the first M & F Teams of 4. Additionally, a prize will be awarded to the best male and female age graded runners. 

Results: Provisional results will be on view near the Finish as runners come in.   Results will also be posted at tadworth.org.uk shortly after completion of the race. A postal results service will be available at race HQ for a fee. 

Race Adjustment / Postponement   In the event of severe weather or other circumstances outside the organisers control, Tadworth AC reserve the right to shorten or adjust the course, postpone or cancel the event in the interests of safety.